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Targeted Messages in the Bank Lobby Engage
Waiting Customers for Increased Sales
and Enhanced Customer Experience
The Key to Success: targeted information – at the right time and place

The Odysii Lobby solution helps banks leverage the “in-between” time when customers are in the branch, but not yet in direct contact with bank employees. This is the ideal time for the bank to drive important messages, from customer education, to promotion of relevant products and services… Or even just to entertain customers and make the waiting time more pleasant.  

Customers appreciate being presented with information that is relevant and useful to them. And in turn, the branch benefits from increased sales and a perception of better customer service.

How? Capture information about who is in the branch, then match and deliver the most relevant promotion to the appropriate customers

At the branch, you have a wealth of information you can use – you know the local demographics, and the type of accounts you serve. If you use a queue management system, you know how many people are waiting in your lobby, and what services they are seeking.

The Odysii marketing intelligence solution analyzes this information, and delivers the most relevant messages to screens in the lobby – based on individual customer profiles, local demographics, bank sales objectives, how well sales objectives are being met, and a variety of other parameter defined in the system.

The Result: Increased sales & enhanced customer service

Targeted messages make customers more likely to initiate enquiries about bank products and more receptive to hearing relevant messages that are in-line with branch strategies. This directly translates into increased sales. Moreover, by presenting customers with content that is interesting to them, their overall experience at the branch is enhanced, and satisfaction and loyalty are fostered.



  The Odysii Lobby Solution
will help you:
    Engage customers even when they are not in contact with bank employees
    Drive strategic messages to receptive customers
    Improve branch performance
    Enhance customer service & loyalty

Lobby & Queue Solution Datasheet